Latest Past Events

Harvey Parkway Area Study Public Meeting

Hugo Volunteer Fire Department 2941 Hugo Road, Kinston

Get involved and help shape the future of Lenoir County! Attend one of the upcoming meetings for the Harvey Parkway Area Study. The Harvey Parkway Area Plan will serve as [...]

Harvey Parkway Area Study Public Meeting

Lenoir Community College Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing Center (LCC AAMC) 3800 Hwy 58 North, Kinston

Get involved and help shape the future of Lenoir County! Attend one of the upcoming meetings for the Harvey Parkway Area Study. The Harvey Parkway Area Plan will serve as [...]

Wellness Walk Book Club

The Neuse Regional Libraries have teamed up with the Lenoir County Health Department to bring you a monthly book club with a focus on health and wellness! Join us for [...]