QUICK LINKS: Request a Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate Copy | Marriage License Worksheet | Fee Schedule
QUICK LINKS: Request a Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate Copy | Marriage License Worksheet | Fee Schedule
The Register of Deeds office provides numerous services to the general public and the professional community. Births, deaths, marriage certificates, military discharges, notaries, assumed names, maps and real estate transactions are just a few of the public records that are found in this office. The Register of Deeds serves as custodian and manager of large numbers of public records. By law, the Register of Deeds is charged with the integrity, completeness, accuracy and safekeeping of these public records. The Register of Deeds office is provided for and governed by the General Statutes of North Carolina, the Legislature, Secretary of State and the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
**** Lenoir County Register of Deeds is now E-recording. If you would like to participate in this service please contact Simplifile at (801) 223-1046.
If it is not convenient for you to come to our office and request a Birth Certificate or Marriage certificate, in person, you may download an application and then use ADOBE PDF Reader to fill it out and then mail it to us along with payment in full (cash or money order we do not accept personal checks), a self addressed stamped envelope, and a photocopy of your picture id to receive your document by return mail. Please do not send it by certified mail, as it WILL NOT BE picked up from the post office.
Treva Jenkins
Register of Deeds
Lenoir County Register of Deeds
Phone: 252-559-6420
Fax: 252-523-6139
Email Address:
Physical Address:
101 North Queen Street
Kinston, NC 28501
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3289
Kinston, NC 28502
Office and Recording Hours Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Marriages are by appointment only. Please contact our office for available times. Monday - Friday
Register of Deeds: Treva Jenkins
Assistant Register of Deeds: Reina Villa
Deputies: Teresa Smith, Yvette Hill, and Grace Sawyer
We do accept debit/credit card payments, however there is a small usage fee.