The Neuse Regional Library System enriches lives by inspiring creativity, fostering learning and engaging community. They have three locations in Lenoir County – Kinston, La Grange and Pink Hill.
Visit Neuse Regional Library Website
Melanie Morgan

Neuse Regional Library
Kinston Library:
510 N. Queen Street
Kinston, NC 28501
Phone: 252-527-7066
M-Th: 9am-8pm
F-Sat: 9am-6pm
La Grange Library:
119 E. Washington Street
La Grange, NC 28551
Phone: 252-566-3722
MWF: 9am-6pm
TTh: 9am-7pm
Sat: 10am-3pm
Pink Hill Library:
114 W. Broadway Street
Pink Hill, NC 28572
Phone: 252-568-3631
MWF: 9am-6pm
TTh: 9am-7pm
Sat: 10am-3pm