Candidate Filing for the November Municipal Elections will begin Monday, July 7th at 8:30am and will end Friday, July 18th at 12pm.
The monthly Board Meeting for March will be held Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 3pm at the Elections Office
Notice About Photo ID Requirement for Voting
Voters will now be asked to present a valid photo identification when voting in person. If you do not have a valid photo ID card, you may obtain one from your county board of elections prior to the election, through the end of the early voting period.
If you do not have a valid photo ID card on Election Day, you may still vote and have your vote counted by signing an affidavit of reasonable impediment (or “Photo ID Exception Form”) as to why you have not presented a valid photo ID. The Exception Form can also be used if you have a religious objection to being photographed or are a victim of a recently declared natural disaster.
As an alternative, if you don’t have your ID when you vote, you can still vote and then bring your valid photo ID to your county board of elections by noon on the third business day after Election Day.
If you vote by mail, then you must include a photocopy of a valid photo ID when returning your ballot. You may also complete the Absentee Photo ID Exception Form that is provided with your absentee ballot materials.
A list of all types of ID that can be used for voting is available on the State Board of Elections Voter ID webpage. For information on how to get a free ID, see Get a Free Voter Photo ID.
The Board of Elections is responsible for conducting all national, state, county and municipal elections. The Board is composed of five members. Two members are appointed from each major political party. The Governor appoints a chairperson.
The Board will have monthly meetings every 1st Thursday of each month at 5 pm at the Elections Office. Please contact the Board of Elections office to confirm the monthly Board meeting schedule.
The Lenoir County Board of Elections is located at 110C S. Herritage Street, Kinston, North Carolina, 28501. Current statistics of the Lenoir County Board of Elections indicate there are 35,567 registered voters.